Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tales from the Fur Side 6: Puppy Prozac

Cast of Characters
Vito - 3 year old male pomeranian
Garfield - 1 year old orange tabby
Zed - 3 year old (we guess) black and gray tabby

Vito: duuuuuuuude....i loooooooove youuuuu...

Garfield: hey zed, you know vito is telling his bed he loves it, right??? wtf?

Zed: i heard they gave him puppy prozac.

Garfield: No way!!!

Vito: Heeeeyyy Gaaaaaaarfield! come here you fuzzy wuzzy youuuuuuuu...

Garfield: okay princess, just stay on your bed! good bo*.. uhm, pomeranian.

Zed: Our persons' vet thinks he's suffering from anxiety, and the prozac is supposed to calm him down.

Garfield: Sure! and make a weird dog even more weird. are you sure he won't go psycho on us while our persons are away? (*watches while Vito licks the air*)

Vito: ZEEEEEEDDD!!!! ooohhh myyyyy gosssshhhhh.... aren't the lights are reaaaalllllyyyy preeeetttyyyyyy???

Zed: nah, he'll be fine. he'll be sleeping more. (*streches*)

Garfield: This is way cool! hey Zed, psstt.. so, where are the pills? (*evil look in his eyes*)

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