Sunday, July 5, 2009

Movie Entertainment

Vito: Yey! Movie time! *cuddles between mommy and tall dude on the couch*

Zed: *stretches on couch* This looks like a good vantage point to watch the movie. What are we watching anyway?

Garfield: Death Race…awesome! *settles under the coffee table*

Vito: SSshhhh… it’s starting…

Zed: Hey Vito, pass me the chips, will ya?

Vito: Come and get it yourself.

Zed: Fine! *walks over and sniffs chip basket* What? No guacamole?! I’ll pass.

*Stage 1 of Death Race scene playing*:

Garfield: Hell Yeah! Did you see what he did??!! That’s how you do it!! *dashes from under the couch and runs across the room, ass sliding as he turns around, and runs back towards the couch, jumps, uses Zed as springboard before soaring over the heads of mommy and tall dude and landing on the ledge*

Garfield: BOO-YEAH!!

Zed: Yeeeooowww!!! What the F*ck! *and tries to jump after Garfield but missed the ledge *

Zed: *thud* Ouch! Mother-F*cker! Damn it Garfield, I think you broke my rib when you jumped on me!

Garfield: Did you see that!! Man! He’s awesome! That’s like a bad-ass Nascar! *yells at the tv* WATCH OUT!!! BEHIND YOU, HE’S SHOOTING!!!

Vito: STOP IT GARFUNGUS!! QUIET!!! *woof woof woof woof*

*mommy gets annoyed and smacks Vito*

Vito: But mommy, I was just trying to keep them from being idiots…*pouts*

Garfield: Wicked! That dude is so dead and so out of the race…hehehe.

Zed: Get down from that ledge and you can be that dead guy from the crash.

Garfield: *Jumps off the ledge and races up the stairs* Catch me first! I’m Frankenstein!

Zed: More like Franken-DEAD! *runs after Garfield*

Garfield: Fat ass can’t keep up with me!

Zed: Watch me kiddo…

*Zed catches up with Garfield in the kitchen*


Garfield: Yeeeooowwlll!

Zed: That’ll teach ya, kiddo.. hmph… *comes back and settles on his place on the couch* So, what happened while I was taking care of idiot business?

Vito: Where’s Garfield?

Garfield: Here…*glumly walks back under the coffee table, pawing at his ear*

Vito: What happened to your ear?

Garfield: Fatty there turned Mike Tyson on me. *gives Zed a hateful look*

Zed: I figured you want to be like the lead in the film so I do you a favor. I thought he had his ears pierced. Ooppss, my bad?

Vito: BWAAHAHAHHAHA! *mommy smacks Vito again* Why’d you hit me again? That was funny??!!

*..and everyone settles to watch the movie again...until the next race scene…*