Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Bed

Vito: Uhm.. Zed… can you get out of my bed please?

Zed: No.

Vito: But, I’m really tired…

Zed: No. You can sleep on the floor mat.

Vito: But the mat stinks like feet.

Zed: Too bad. (*stretches and lays on his back*)

Vito: You have other places to sleep, the chair, the cat tree, the couch. (*whining now*)

Zed: I feel like resting here.

Vito: But I’m asking nicely.

Zed: Yes, you asked very nicely. Good doggie.

Vito: (*looks to Garfield*) Garfield, can you ask Zed to go find another place to rest in.

Garfield: Oh now you need my help, when you keep on running me out of the bedroom.

Vito: Please guys, that’s my bed! You can get up on pretty much anywhere!

Zed: Yes, but this is my bed TODAY.

Vito: I’m telling mommy.

Zed: (*sch-ing* unsheathes his claws*) You won’t dare.

Vito: Watch! MOM!!! ZED WON’T GET OUT OF MY BED!!!

Garfield: Oh, you’re dead, Vito.

Zed: *ggrrrrr*

(Mommy picks Zed off the bed)

Zed: PUT ME DOWN WOMAN!!!! (*gets dropped on the floor mat*)

Vito: Whoopee!!! My bed, my bed… hehehehe

Zed: You’re safe now since your mommy is in the house. Wait until she goes back to work. (*gives Vito a scorching look*)

Vito: PPffttt…when she’s at work, she gates off the kitchen where I stay. And you can’t scale the gate coz you’re too fat!!! Ppfffttt….

Garfield: He’s got a point Zed.

Zed: Oh f*ck off! (*stomps outs of the living room and down to the basement*)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tales from the Fur Side 6: Puppy Prozac

Cast of Characters
Vito - 3 year old male pomeranian
Garfield - 1 year old orange tabby
Zed - 3 year old (we guess) black and gray tabby

Vito: duuuuuuuude....i loooooooove youuuuu...

Garfield: hey zed, you know vito is telling his bed he loves it, right??? wtf?

Zed: i heard they gave him puppy prozac.

Garfield: No way!!!

Vito: Heeeeyyy Gaaaaaaarfield! come here you fuzzy wuzzy youuuuuuuu...

Garfield: okay princess, just stay on your bed! good bo*.. uhm, pomeranian.

Zed: Our persons' vet thinks he's suffering from anxiety, and the prozac is supposed to calm him down.

Garfield: Sure! and make a weird dog even more weird. are you sure he won't go psycho on us while our persons are away? (*watches while Vito licks the air*)

Vito: ZEEEEEEDDD!!!! ooohhh myyyyy gosssshhhhh.... aren't the lights are reaaaalllllyyyy preeeetttyyyyyy???

Zed: nah, he'll be fine. he'll be sleeping more. (*streches*)

Garfield: This is way cool! hey Zed, psstt.. so, where are the pills? (*evil look in his eyes*)