Sunday, May 24, 2009

Music Lessons

Garfield: What have we here?

Vito: Mommy calls it a guitar. Don’t touch it! It makes a loud noise that hurts my ears.

Zed: A what?

Garfield: Hmmm….I like the case it came in. Perfect sleeping place.

Zed: Smells very woody. It has whiskers too. (*starts to touch the string*)

TWAAAANNNGGGG!!!!! (*and all the animals scurry away*)

Vito: Eeeeeekk! I mean Woof! Woof!

Garfield: Cooooooool! Do that again Zed!

Zed: Like this?


Garfield: Neat! Lemme do it too!

Vito: Fine! Mommy’s not going to like it that you’re messing with her thing. I’m getting out of here.


Zed: Aaaaawsooooomnessss!!!

Garfield: (*looks questioningly at Zed*) Since when did you start saying things like ‘awesomeness’?

Zed: Shut up…

Garfield: Ey Zed, step on the whiskers while I pick at the other end.


Zed: (*a lop-sided smile appearing on his face*) I think I know how this works. I heard this song awhile ago…(*sch-ing* unsheathes his claws and starts plucking the intro of Stairway to Heaven*)

Garfield: Oooohhh… Man, you...are...a...God…(*eyes round and wide, sitting still and watching Zed play*)