Vito: I’m hungry.
Garfield: You’re always hungry.
Vito: Where’s daddy? Good! He’s not here. Where’s mommy? A-ha!
Zed: (*rolls eyes*) I know what you’re up to.
Vito: But I’ve got the munchies! Daddy doesn't fall for this shit.
Garfield: You’ve got a whole bowl of kibble!
Vito: (*stands by the door and barks*) MOMMY!!! I gotta pee!!!
Zed: Don’t believe him, woman. He’s faking it.
(*Mommy gets the leash and takes Vito out*)
Garfield: He is such a liar! (*Jumps up on the kitchen counter and looks out the window*) I see him. He’s sniffing around…slowly walking to his pee spots…yup! Raises his leg…DUDE!!! YOU CAN’T CALL THAT PEEING IF IT’S ONLY THREE DROPS! (*yells at the window*)
Zed: You count the drops? WTF?
Garfield: Shut up. I call it observant.
Zed: I don’t know why she always falls for that.
Garfield: Probably because she’s afraid Vito will pee in the house. That whiny furbag peed on our scratch post the other day!
Zed: Yeah and I smacked his ass for it.
Garfield: Okay, they’re coming back in.
Vito: (*ecstatic*) Do I get a treat? Do I get a treat, mommy? Do I?
(*Mommy goes back to playing on her laptop*)
Vito: Mommy!!! I peed! I told you! You always give me a treat! (*makes choking barking sounds*)
Zed: He’s tricking you, woman. Don’t listen to him.
*Mommy gets up and opens the treat cabinet*
Vito: HA! I get a treat! Woohoo!
Zed: While you’re at it, ‘mommy’, I’d like some treats too. You’re the bestest mommy ever. (*purrs and rubs against mommy’s leg*)
Garfield: Such a kiss-ass! ugh! (*shakes tail at Zed*)
banana peel
11 years ago